Friday, December 26, 2014
Tips for maintaining healthy joints#MuscleAndFitness
-Avoid running or walking on hard surfaces such as cement.
-Stretch daily to lubricate the knee and hip joints and help maintain a healthy range of motion.
-Add Omega 3s to your diet.
-A good multivitamin is important as well. Make sure it contains calcium, vitamin D and zinc.
-Talk with your doctor about other supplements that may be beneficial. Glucosamine, for example, is a great supplement to add to your daily regimen.
-If pain is consistent, see a doctor right away.
-During your annual physical examination make sure your doctor tests your bone density.
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Shoulder pain starts developing when the scapula doesn’t move as well due to injuries, bad posture, and poor training #MuscleAndFitness
To fix nagging shoulder pain, always follow these rules:
-Stop doing exercises that irritate the shoulders.
-Get the shoulders to sit in the right position.
-Get the shoulders to move properly.
Thursday, December 11, 2014
How to Strengthen Your Ankle After a Sprain #AOFAS
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Panel Rejects Sternest F.D.A. Warning for Steroid Shots
Injecting steroids that have a granular texture can increase the risk that an artery will become blocked, causing a serious health problem.
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Hip Injuries #WeissHospital #CCforOrtho
When the injury occurs in the hip, the pain and subsequent compromised mobility may occur in other areas of the body, such as the leg, sciatica, groin or spine. When the symptoms don’t manifest in the injured area, it can be difficult for doctors to diagnose the problem correctly. For instance, a groin injury is more likely to indicate a hernia than a hip injury. Sciatic pain usually is attributed to nerve issues, not hip injury. Gluteus medius tears, a rip in the muscle controlling movement away from the body, may cause persistent pain, which can mimic trochanteric bursitis.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Shoulder Pain – How Does It Happen?
Bursitis – Bursa are small sacs of lubricating fluid located at joints throughout the body. Shoulder bursitis can develop as a result of a direct blow, long-term friction in the joint, or infection. In middle-aged and other athletes, it could be caused by calcium deposits that irritate or intrude into the sacs.
Tendinitis – Rotator cuff tendinitis is the mildest form of an overuse injury in the shoulder. Inflammation develops in one or more of the tendons that connect the four rotator cuff muscles to bones. It can happen because of overuse (throwing a baseball, for example), age, injury, or all three.
Impingement Syndrome – This condition occurs when a shoulder muscle, tendon, and bursa sac rub against the shoulder blade. It often develops simultaneously with shoulder tendinitis. In younger athletes this is usually due to an unstable shoulder blade, which is often a result of poor posture.
Bone spur – A bone spur in the shoulder is extra bone tissue that rubs against a tendon, nerve, or other bone. It is possible to have a bone spur for years without symptoms, but when they do appear, you’ll know it because of the pain and limited range of motion in your shoulder.
Partial tear – With friction, overuse, or an injury, the tendon that connects one of the four rotator cuff muscles begins to develop small, micro-tears. With rest and treatment, they heal. Without attention, they can develop into full-thickness tears.
Full-thickness tear – The same things that cause rotator cuff tendinitis—overuse, throwing, reaching, blows and falls—can lead to tears. But the more common cause is a gradual weakening of the tendon from years of use. People over 40 are particularly susceptible. The overuse-plus-age combination is a perfect formula for trouble.
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Balance Exercise #LanceDallek @ACEfitness
Fall incidence rates currently pose a serious health problem for older adults. Among those who are 65 or older, it has been estimated that 35 percent to 45 percent of otherwise healthy, community-dwelling adults fall at least once a year.
Decreased balance is attributable to an age-related decline in multiple physiological systems that contributes to decreased muscle flexibility and strength, reduced central processing of sensory information, and slowed motor responses (American Geriatrics Society, British Geriatrics Society, and American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeon Panel on Falls Prevention, 2001). In addition to an increased risk of falls, diminished balance and mobility may limit activities of daily living or participation in leisure-time activities. Accordingly, it is essential that balance exercises be incorporated into the physical activity programs of older adults.
Friday, November 7, 2014
Relaxation and Biofeedback
Some people use relaxation and biofeedback to help control their musculoskeletal pain. Meditation and other relaxation techniques can reduce stress hormone levels in your body and lower the amount of pain you perceive. Biofeedback can help you perfect your relaxation techniques through the use of devices that display internal body processes like heart rate, blood pressure, and muscle tension. Biofeedback participants use that real-time data to guide their relaxation.
Monday, November 3, 2014
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Why You Should Stretch Your #HipFlexors #PhysicalTherapyNYC
Tight hip flexors also often goes hand-in-hand with anterior pelvic tilt, i.e. where your butt sticks out (more than it should) and, if there’s too much tilt it isn’t great for your posture and as a result can contribute to back pain. Not to mention a negative effect on your athletic performance and just about every activity you do. #FitBodyHQ
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Preoperative #PhysicalTherapy #CentralParkPT
The goals of the preoperative evaluation are threefold:
1. To educate the patient about the surgery and rehabilitation process.
2. To instruct the patient on pre-operative strengthening.
3. To collect data necessary to compare pre-operative and post-operative motion and function.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Be prepared for a focused evaluation #PhysicalTherapyNYC
- Gait: assessment of how you are walking. Physical therapists are trained to notice small changes in the motion around the knee during different phases of walking.
- Palpation. This involves using the hands to touch various structures around the knee to feel for abnormalities or to assess if a structure is painful to touch.
- Range of motion measurements. Range of motion refers to how far the knee is bending or straightening. The physical therapist may use special instruments to measure how your knee is moving to help direct treatment.
-Strength measurements. There are many muscular attachments around the knee and a measurement of strength can help determine if muscular weakness or imbalance is causing your knee pain.
- Girth or swelling measurements. Occasionally, swelling may be present in the knee joint after injury. A physical therapist may measure the amount of swelling to help direct treatment.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Learn how ditching your shoes can reduce pain and prevent future injuries #PreventionMag
1. Do: Get Hands-On With Your Feet.
2. Don’t: Try To Do Too Much At Once.
3. Do: Focus On Your Foundation.
4. Don’t: Be Afraid To Land Heel First
5. Do: Scout For Safe Surfaces
6. Don’t: Be Afraid Of Germs
7. Do: Become A Barefoot Tourist
8. Don’t: Go Bare All At Once
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Osteoarthritis #PhysicalTherapyNYC
Good cardiovascular exercises for people with knee and hip osteoarthritis include walking, swimming, and cycling. Adding some strength training exercises to your routine also lessens the risk of falls. Remember to do activities without force that bring the hips and knees through the full range of motion in a general, unforced manner, allowing the joint to lubricate itself and help to heal the damage.
Thursday, September 25, 2014
4 Physiotherapy Tips for Swimming #PhysicalTherapyNYC
1. Be mindful of body rotation.
2. Enter the water with a flat hand.
3. Maintain good posture.
4. Incorporate bilateral breathing into your swim workout.
Monday, September 22, 2014
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Stationary Bike: Biking is a good way to increase strength and range of motion.
Make sure you have the right positioning of the legs. At the bottom of the pedal stroke, the bend in the knee should be 15 degrees. Start with 10 minutes and slowly increase your time.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
#ConsumerReports: Back Pain Survey March '13 has helpful info on Pg 2+
46 percent said that it interfered with their sleep, 31 percent reported that it thwarted their efforts to maintain a healthy weight, and 24 percent said that it hampered their sex life. #PhysicalTherapyNYC
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Passive-lock single-leg hip raise #MensHealth #PhysicalTherapyNYC
It’s not just slumping that hurts your posture. Simply sitting can be harmful, too. For instance, when you sit constantly—as most of us do—the muscles on the fronts of your hips become short and tight. What's more, your glutes—or butt muscles—actually forget how to contract. The combination of tight muscles on the front of your hips and weak muscles on your backside causes your pelvis to tilt forward. This pushes your lower abdomen outward, making your belly protrude—even if you don't have an ounce of fat. Worse, it also puts more stress on your lumbar spine, which can lead to lower-back pain.
Thursday, August 21, 2014
In addition to strengthening legs and abdomen, improving balance and core strength, Warrior 3 strengthens the ankle, helps prevent ankle injuries, and can help recovery after an ankle injury
1. From Warrior I, bring the hands onto your hips.
2. Bring your weight forward into your front foot as you gently kick up your back leg.
3. At the same time, bring the torso forward until it is parallel to the floor.
4. Keep the neck relaxed, as if it's the natural extension of the spine.
5. Keep both hips pointing toward the floor as you bring the back leg in line with your body.
6. Flex the raised foot and keep the muscles of the raised leg actively engaged.
7. Bring the arms back along your sides
8. Repeat on the other side.
Thursday, August 14, 2014
5 Things To Know About Chronic Low-Back Pain and Complementary Health Practices #NIH
1. Overall, studies have provided good evidence that spinal manipulation is moderately effective for chronic low-back pain.
2. There is fair evidence that acupuncture is helpful in relieving chronic back pain.
3. There is also fair evidence that massage is helpful in relieving chronic low back pain. In general, however, these effects appear to be short term.
4. Current research, while limited in scope, suggests that a carefully adapted set of yoga poses may reduce low-back pain and improve function.
5. Be sure to tell your health care provider about any complementary health practice you are considering. This will help ensure coordinated, safe care.
Friday, August 8, 2014
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Chronic pain or recurring injuries are often caused or aggravated by bad habits in our posture, gait, the way we work or play sports, and everyday routines.
Pelvic Stabilization is geared toward improving the function and strength of the pelvis and hip regions to address faulty movement pattern(s). Lower back, hip, knee and ankle problems can be affected by inefficient pelvic and/or hip stabilization. Ask us for more info.
Monday, August 4, 2014
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Our goal at Central Park Physical Therapy is not only to quickly facilitate your rehabilitation, but also
also to teach you the things you can do on your own and the changes you can make in your everyday routine activities to promote long-lasting, permanent relief and prevent recurrence of injury. With confidence, care and decades of experience, we will share your goals of recovery.
Monday, July 28, 2014
Friday, July 18, 2014
Caring for an infant puts stress on your back. Here are a few ways that new mothers can help reduce their risk of injury and back pain.
- Do not stretch out your arms to pick up the baby. Bring the baby close to your chest before lifting. Avoid twisting your body.
- To pick up a child from the floor, bend at your knees – not at your waist. Squat down, tighten your stomach muscles and lift with your legs.
- When lifting your child out of the crib, put the crib side down and pull the child toward you. Do not bed over the crib side and lift the baby over the top.
- Do not carry a child on your hip – this overloads the back muscles.
- While you are nursing, sit in an upright chair rather than a soft couch.
Friday, July 11, 2014
Stretching can help ease #HipPain while also strengthening your #hip muscles so that you can avoid future pain.
Speak with one of our physical therapists before you begin a stretching routine to avoid aggravating your hip. #PhysicalTherapyNYC
Thursday, July 3, 2014
A #Stroke Recovery Guide from with helpful at-home exercises
#PhysicalTherapyNYC, June 27, 2014
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
9 exercises to #rehab a #TornACL without surgery #PhysicalTherapyNYC
New research at the Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) in New York City found that about 25 percent of the #ACL injured population does not need to undergo surgery because partially— and, rarely, fully torn— ACLs can heal with #yoga and #physicaltherapy.
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Call us 212-765-4800 to make an appt for your #BackPain
- FREE appointment for your back pain/non-surgical spinal evaluation with no obligation for furthur care.
- Answers to any and all your question and concerns before you leave.
- A written "Plan of Action" that gives you the results of your examination, advises if you qualify for our program and what your options are.
- FREE one hour CD of our most popular exercise sequence for back pain.#PhysicalTherapyNYC
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Scaphoid #Fractures #PhysicalTherapyNYC
#ScaphoidFractures are not always immediately obvious. Many people with a fractured scaphoid think they have a sprained wrist instead of a broken bone because there is no obvious deformity and very little swelling.
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Thursday, May 22, 2014
#PelvicTilt #PhysicalTherapyNYC
Lie on your back with your knees bent. In this relaxed position, the small of your back will not be touching the floor. Tighten your abdominal muscles so that the small of your back presses flat against the floor. Hold for five seconds then relax. Repeat three times and gradually build to 10 repetitions.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Monday, May 12, 2014
Thursday, May 8, 2014
The five most essential ingredients for an athlete whose main weapon is the shoulder:
1. Sports-specific technique
2. Flexibility
3. Core stability
4. Rotator cuff control
5. General strength
The primary goal of these five areas of intervention is, in a word, balance.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
#Anklesprains often occur when running, walking on uneven ground, or jumping.
Usually, people are told to rest, elevate the foot, apply ice, and use an elastic wrap to reduce swelling. This treatment is typically followed by exercises that can be performed at home. Although the pain and swelling usually improve quickly, more than 70% of people who sprain their ankles continue to have problems with them and up to 80% will sprain their ankles again. This suggests that it is important to better care for ankle sprains. One option is manual therapy, where the therapist moves the ankle and surrounding joints to help restore normal joint movement. 2013;43(7):456. doi:10.2519/jospt.2013.0504
Monday, April 28, 2014
#EliManning on his ankle: I should be 100 percent by #trainingcamp. #NYGiants #CBSsports
#PhysicalTherapyNYC, April 24, 2014
#SoftTissueMobilization and #MyofascialRelease are specialized mobilization procedures of the muscles, connective tissue, ligaments and tendons. This approach helps to release tight, scarred tissue, relax muscles, improve movement and facilitate circulation. Mobilization is often combined with movement to augment the freeing and stimulating effect. The therapist will locate areas of restriction through skilled layer-by-layer assessment, searching for restrictions that impair motion and cause pain. Patients rave about how great they feel after just one session.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
FREE Seniors Exercise Class #PhysicalTherapyNYC
SExC classes are the perfect blend of gentle yoga and Feldenkrais that will help mature adults improve balance, strengh coordination, walking ability, pelvic floor function and relaxation. Some participants have even exclaimed that they feel sexy again!
Thursday, April 3, 2014
#Ultrasound energy is widely used by physical therapists and other clinicians to treat #sportsinjuries and #chronicpain.
Ultrasound devices used for pain treatment deliver longer and higher energy pulses than the type used for imaging. Therapeutic ultrasound penetrates tissue, possibly resulting in a slight healing effect. It may improve circulation and aid in intake of nutrients which can help tissue recover more quickly and alleviate pain.
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Strengthening the #muscles that support your #knee will help #reducestress on your knee joint.
Thursday, March 27, 2014
How Whirlpool Contrast Therapy Works #PhysicalTherapyNYC
There are many different ways whirlpools can be used in physical therapy. One such way is contrast - alternating warm and cold water flow every few minutes. Cold water makes the arteries contract, reducing blood flow. Warm water makes arteries expand, increasing blood flow. By alternating, a pumping effect is created, thus reducing swelling.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
How Icing Works
The application of ice is a technique used in physical therapy on injuries less than 48 hours old. It slows the blood flow to the injured area, reducing the potential for scar tissue to build after damage to a muscle, tendon, or ligament. The ice should not be applied for more than 20 minutes at a time.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
How Heat Works
Monday, March 10, 2014
#PelvicFloor disorders are more common than you think.
Nearly 1 in 3 women experience some form of symptom. Our effective and specialized treatment approach dramatically improves and often even completely resolves Pelvic Floor Disorders. The specially trained Physical Therapists at Central Park Physical Therapy utilize state of the art technology & proven therapeutic strategies to develop an individual treatment plan that is sensitive to the concerns of our patients.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
How Soft Tissue Mobilization Works
Soft Tissue Mobilization is technique used in physical therapy to eliminate scar tissue. After an injury, the body sends blood to the injured area as part of the healing process. This extra blood can create scar tissue, which can limit mobility. Soft Tissue Mobilization targets the danger area and safely puts force on it to restore normal tissue texture.