Thursday, November 20, 2014

Shoulder Pain – How Does It Happen?

Bursitis  – Bursa are small sacs of lubricating fluid located at joints throughout the body. Shoulder bursitis can develop as a result of a direct blow, long-term friction in the joint, or infection. In middle-aged and other athletes, it could be caused by calcium deposits that irritate or intrude into the sacs.
Tendinitis  – Rotator cuff tendinitis is the mildest form of an overuse injury in the shoulder. Inflammation develops in one or more of the tendons that connect the four rotator cuff muscles to bones. It can happen because of overuse (throwing a baseball, for example), age, injury, or all three.
Impingement Syndrome – This condition occurs when a shoulder muscle, tendon, and bursa sac rub against the shoulder blade. It often develops simultaneously with shoulder tendinitis. In younger athletes this is usually due to an unstable shoulder blade, which is often a result of poor posture.
Bone spur – A bone spur in the shoulder is extra bone tissue that rubs against a tendon, nerve, or other bone. It is possible to have a bone spur for years without symptoms, but when they do appear, you’ll know it because of the pain and limited range of motion in your shoulder.
Partial tear – With friction, overuse, or an injury, the tendon that connects one of the four rotator cuff muscles begins to develop small, micro-tears. With rest and treatment, they heal. Without attention, they can develop into full-thickness tears.
Full-thickness tear – The same things that cause rotator cuff tendinitis—overuse, throwing, reaching, blows and falls—can lead to tears. But the more common cause is a gradual weakening of the tendon from years of use. People over 40 are particularly susceptible. The overuse-plus-age combination is a perfect formula for trouble.

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