Thursday, October 16, 2014

Be prepared for a focused evaluation #PhysicalTherapyNYC

- Gait: assessment of how you are walking. Physical therapists are trained to notice small changes in the motion around the knee during different phases of walking.
- Palpation. This involves using the hands to touch various structures around the knee to feel for abnormalities or to assess if a structure is painful to touch.
- Range of motion measurements. Range of motion refers to how far the knee is bending or straightening. The physical therapist may use special instruments to measure how your knee is moving to help direct treatment.
-Strength measurements. There are many muscular attachments around the knee and a measurement of strength can help determine if muscular weakness or imbalance is causing your knee pain.
- Girth or swelling measurements. Occasionally, swelling may be present in the knee joint after injury. A physical therapist may measure the amount of swelling to help direct treatment.

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